One Day I Know

One day I know my eyes will look away upon the yonder,
As they do so very often while I’m sitting in the park,
And they will see you walk towards me. Who knows what might take you there?
My waiting will be over as we’ll greet each other warmly
With a hug, a “fancy that” and maybe even make some time
To catch up for a chat.

Will I be dreaming of you as you walk around that bend,
Your smiling eyes creasing in the warmth of shining sun?
Or will you appear there all alone, strolling down memory lane,
On your way somewhere, purposeful and strong?
Will it be on a day that I feel the same way
Or will all our omens still be wrong?

© Emily Page

Tales from a Log Cabin | 1. The Arrival

The log cabin was not exactly luxurious but it was cosy and the roaring fire crackling in the grate lent it warmth as the late afternoon sun slipped behind the mountains where the loch met sea and sky. Shards of the dying light illuminated the warm tartan reds and dark greens of the upholstery on her favourite armchair, with soft cushions large enough to envelop her like a warm jumper.

She drew her woollen wrap around her shoulders and tried again to read the novel she had picked up earlier that afternoon, but a new restlessness gripped her and she found her eyes drawn first to her half-drunk cup of tea, long since cold, and on to the large picture window and the beauty of its view beyond. Hills dark with heather framed the golden swathes of late summer grass that rolled around her. The road, which ended here at the cabin, and no more than a gravel drive, snaked its way to the left and disappeared as it continued its journey through the glen, following the river, past woods and coppices on its journey back to civilisation. The sky darker now in the gathering dusk.

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